Sunday, 5 August 2012

just some crime prevention posters i found online

just wanted to show you guys some posters  i found about anti crime.

                                        Heres a minute video on how to prevent vandalism

singapore police website

This is the website of the singapore's police force. For any related issues or information regarding missing people whom you know of can be passed on here to help the police force. Their website is

crime prevention tips #1 for cars


Car crime can be a big worry for motorists. Protect your car by following our simple advice - it might just be enough to deter thieves from targeting your car.
  • Crimestoppers crime prevention advice - Car crime 

  • Lock the doors and close the windows when you leave your car, however long you are leaving it for
  • When parking at home, always use your garage if you have one and lock both your vehicle and your garage. If you don't have a garage, try to park in a well-lit, open place
  • When parking outside, always try to park your car in an attended car park. Look for a public car park which is part of the police approved Park Mark scheme and displays the Park Mark® brand. Some car parks also have ‘Secure Car Park' accreditation – look for the sign 
  • Don't leave anything on display. Even an old coat or plastic bag can be a tempting target for a thief 
  • Remove the stereo if you can
  • Don't keep valuables or important documents in the glove box. Leave the glove box open to show there's nothing inside
  • Tuck in wing mirrors and put the aerial down to discourage vandals
  • Never store your car's documents in the car
  • A Thatcham-approved immobiliser or steering lock can help secure older vehicles
  • Have the windows etched with the car's vehicle registration number (VRN) and make a note of its chassis number
  • Keep your car keys in a safe place, even in your house, so that someone breaking-in cannot steal your car too
  • Get an alarm fitted. Alarms can deter thieves not only from stealing your vehicle, but also from taking items from it. You can get more information about alarms, immobilisers and other security devices by phoning the Vehicle Security National Helpline on 0870 550 2006 or the Sold Secure Helpline on 01327 264 687
  • Secure your wheels using locking wheel nuts
  • Mark all equipment, e.g. car stereo, with your car registration number

Stray Cats and Dogs

Besides the vandalism issue in valley street. There have been a increase in the number of stray cats and numerous places in valley street.

                                             Outside river valley mall , a mall at valley street
                                                                the valley street beach

                                                                   along the roadsides...

Clearly somethings need to be done about the stray animals and the way you feed them, it is especially dangerous to feed them with any other food other than pet food. and it is also bad to litter  so please do not feed the stray animals or leave litter around.


Recently there have been many Vandalism occurring at valley street. here are some examples 

how would you feel if those cars that were being vandalised were yours?
Hello my name is Gabriel Poh and im an aspiring journalist. Today im here today to show the many problems valley street is having. i have made this blog to send a clear message to the public and to create awareness to the problems valley street is having . i do hope that i'll be able to move you and feel free to comment about any of the posts if you want to. but please post constructive comments and leave out any unnecessary remarks especially racial and religious slurs. CHEERS !